Saturday, May 11, 2019

The KKK: No Love Found Here

The KKK: No Love Found Here

“Meet Derek, the son of Don Black, a former grand wizard of the KKK, and godson of David Duke, one of America’s most notorious white supremacists. Black was raised to believe in his family’s ideology. He believed that IQ could be determined based on the color of people’s skin, that immigrants were the product of a global Jewish conspiracy and that liberal policies at the state and federal level were slowly abetting a genocide of white people.
When Derek Black finally disavowed white nationalism in a public letter addressed to the Southern Poverty Law Center, he was nearly disowned by his parents. His father initially told him he wished Derek had never been born. His extended family said they would never speak to him again.”
Don Black denied his innocent child’s rights to not be soiled by hate, fear, and ignorance. Stole his son’s right to be an individual and the right to enjoy and love life, all life. Obviously, Don’s parents denied him as well and instead of loving him, they chose to corrupt his mind and spirit with their ignorance. Luckily for Derek, the love of his girlfriend freed him from a life infused with hate and ignorance, and he broke free. Derek’s children won’t relive the errors of their grandfather, thanks to Derek’s strength to overcome.
This is the greatest abuse parents can commit on their children...deny their right to be untainted by the errors of ignorance. These parents that indulge themselves in destructive ideologies are much more prone to physically, mentally, and emotionally abuse their children.
Derek is a fine example that those who have been directed in the ruination of their own
lives can correct themselves.